Made for Something Great

This time last year, I was on bed rest on the antepartum high risk maternity floor. Jude’s heartbeat was being monitored almost constantly. I remember listening to that sweet noise and praying with everything I had that it wouldn’t go away and his heart would continue to beat. I remember being so terrified because no matter how hard I tried to fight it, the enemy kept forcing me to think about life without him. I was terrified of the thought of leaving that hospital without him. If it meant I had to stay in that horrible bed forever, I didn’t care. I just needed to hear that beat.

There was so much talk of c-section and taking him early because Jude and I were both in danger of possible infection do to the placental abruption. I never felt a peace about taking him early. I knew he was to small and I was terrified he wouldn’t make it. They made me tour the NICU and showed me their tiny babies so I could get an Idea of how Jude could be. It was heartbreaking and terrifying. I am thankful till this day that The Lord helped me carry him to full term! Because of that he lived.

All the long weeks of bed rest felt miserable at times and like it would never end, but I would do it again because it saved my boy. Everyday I look at him and I AM aware of the miracle that he is. I know he was meant for something great. His life has changed mine in so many incredible ways. He has made me better. I receive comments and messages daily about how his testimony has helped others in countless ways and it so deeply blessed me. From the first day he was diagnosed, I prayed that maybe this storm we were facing could in some way help others. I am thankful for the beautiful blessing his life is. I am a very blessed mom.

And now for a photo overload…….



7 thoughts on “Made for Something Great

  1. He is the most handsome little man! God bless him and your family. His smile melts my heart. I saw your story and something in me just felt a connection and i fell in love with your little guy. I have a 1 year old son and I coukd not imagine the fear, pain and all the other emotions you were experiencing, but god had a plan for him and that plan was to be here to touch your life and through your story touch the lives of others. God bless and prayers for healing and good health!

  2. There is something about your precious baby Jude that tugs at my heart. He is such a beautiful baby and you are all blessed to have each other.

  3. This baby boy has a smile that could light up a room. It brought a smile to my face just to look at him. He is simply beautiful! I hope that I am able to follow your story and his. God bless you and your family.

  4. Que hermoso es bebe Jude !!! es la imagen de Dios, me encantaría conocerlo en persona, esta en mis oraciones, saludos desde Lima Perú.

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